Verteego is proud to announce it has just officially become a Google Cloud Platform Partner!
Verteego has indeed just been recognized by Google as a global, independent provider of software solutions with skills and know-how in making use of Google's cloud infrastructure and tools in a manner that creates value for clients and their end users.
Google is committed to recommending Verteego to incoming customer requests, when the need matches Verteego's expertise in targeted verticals (consumer goods, retail, real estate, cleantech and environment, events, aerospace, local, IT, governments,...). Reciprocally, Verteego will standardize Verteego Data Suite deployments on the Google Cloud Platform, which will drive further engagement of data science projects on the Google infrastructure.
Our technical team now also has access to a preferred network of experts from Google to support Verteego in its effort to deliver solutions for customers effectively. And we are certain this partnership will reinforce our credibility and accelerate our development.
We look forward to building a fruitful partnership with Google. See our page in Google Cloud Platform's partner online directory.